2008 Bricks Gallery 3

Gallery  1  2  3  4  5  6 

Alec Maier,  Race for the  Cure Jeannette Jones,  Hope for a Cure Myrna Rose,  Sweet  Indulgence Betsy A Schapp,  Take Time to Smell the Roses Gail Symons,  Gook  Luck -  Zen Brick
Joe Fago,  Elements Joe Fago,  Elements Eileen Hanlon,  On  Wing Eileen Hanlon,  Fish  Out of  Water Lynne Hauth,  Carol,  You are  not Swimming Alone
Lynne Hauth,  Carol,  You are  not Swimming Alone Jeffrey Smith,  Go  Bucks Lynda Gilcher,  Flowers Along the Path Joanne Honschopp,  Brick  Kitten Loraine Knipp,  Brick  Bling
Julie Pentelnik,  Tiger  Lily Truth Lynne Hauth,  Fore  the Cure Lynne Hauth,  Fore  the Cure Jamie Morath,  Bistro  Survivor Barbara Whitehead,  Bob  The Turtle
Laura Beiting, Light Red Jackie Braden, Joy Jackie Braden, Joy Mary Simon Orloff,  Let's Kick Breast  Cancer Mary Simon Orloff,  Brick Tac Toe  III
Susan Boatman,  Mother's  Friendship Robbie Porter,  Life May Not Be the Party We Expected, But While We Are Here, Let's Dance JoAnn Bateman,  Long  Haired Hippie Bridget Bobinger,  Something's  Fishy Bridget Bobinger,  Something's  Fishy
JoAnn Bateman,  Some  Bunny Loves  You Nancy Gibberman,  Made  in Stone Linda Bicknell Richardson,  OM Linda Bicknell Richardson,  OM Holly McAtee,  We  Can Do  It
Sean Davis,  Pieces  of Cincinnati Nicholas Czech, Flag Cris Fee,  A  Pretty Façade Autumn Huron,  The  Gift of  Hope Nancy Achberger,  Scotty
Nancy Achberger,  Scotty Linda Riesenbeck,  Gestalt Eileen Hanlon,  Butterfly  and Ribbon Betsy Schapp,  Only  Let the  Good Dreams Thru Judy Taylor,  Hope  In Bloom
Minnie Carson,  Within  Reach Marcia Carter Wood,  Hope Feels Like  a Beautiful Day Charlene Workman,  Garden  of Hope Lee Maier,  Roses  of Optimism Kathleen Defrancesco Smith,  Bubbe Gum

Gallery  1  2  3  4  5  6 

10th Annual Breast Cancer Brick Auction

Sunday October 30th, 2011

2-5 p.m.

Cintas Center at Xavier University
Schiff Conference Center, Free Parking & Admission
Cincinnati, Ohio 45207 


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Call to Artists  

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Auction Information